OpenRail Overhead Line Designer Help

Connect Catenary

Ribbon: Catenary Design > Catenary > Catenary

Link Two Catenaries

With the Link Catenaries function, you can link two catenaries that are assigned to the same track path. All elements of the second catenary will be attached to the first catenary. The second catenary will be deleted.

Note: You can only link catenaries that are associated with the same track path. The position of the single catenary elements remains unchanged while linking of two catena works.


Link two catenaries.

  1. Run the Link Catenary function.
  2. Select the first catenary (Mouseclick on the catenary).
  3. Select the second catenary (Mouseclick on the catenary).
  4. Make any corrections, if necessary.
  5. Link the catenaries with the Connect function. Sicat Master will connect the two nearest support points with the catenary.


The catenaries are connected to one catenary.